Since I've been running regularly, I've been on the lookout for ways to replenish after a long run. Even for something to take along with me for a little extra electrolyte pick-me-up. I never have been a super huge fan of the popular sports drinks mostly just because of the sugary after taste that stays with you.
Looking around at other blogs, mostly of ladies who really have the clout to call themselves bona fide runners, I came across this product called
Nuun more than once.
Of course I thought, "Hey, these sweet runner girls are drinking it, how about I give it a try!?" So, I emailed the awesome
Nuun peeps and they sent me a sample! I tried the Tri Berry and the Citrus Fruit.
Source Each tube comes with 12 tablets for 12m 16 oz. refreshing and replenishing drinks. |
I got them in the mail, and was super excited to try it out right away. I filled up my water bottle, and dropped 1 of the tablets in. The water started to fizz, the tablet dissolved and I gave it a taste. The one thing I like the most about this drink, is that it is very light, and has no sugary after taste. It's not heavy in your stomach if you decide to take it with you on a run or to the gym (note: I have not taken it to the gym, unless you count my sweet basement
makeshift sort of workout area).
The package I got in the mail to try. |
I haven't found this product in any store locally, here in the Detroit area, but, of course, you can order it online. I know I will be; there are tons more flavors to taste test. These little tubes are obviously easy to bring along with you to pop into a water bottle on the go.
Nuun has
Gluten Free and Vegan and Vegetarian products in their line of Active, Natural and All Day Hydration Tablets.
Nuun is also a partner with Susan G. Komen and offers ways for you to get involved in the fight against cancer by
donating to the Foundation with every tube with a pink cap that you buy through December 31, 2013!
I say, "Check this product out!". And let me know if you like it as much as I do!
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