Friday, January 13, 2012

It's Time for Bed When...

You it's time for bed, when the first thing you think about when you wake up, is, "When can I get back into this bed?"

Other than that, you know it's time for bed when...

  • During your 2nd hour prep period at school, you can barely keep your eyes open.
  • You feel like you need your 3rd cup of coffee at 3:30 p.m.
  • It's 5:00, and both kids are yawning and rubbing their eyes, and you haven't even had dinner yet.
  • The thought of cooking dinner gives you a headache, but you're too tired to pack the kids in the car to go out.
  • At 6:00, your 2 year old asks if she can go to bed.  You say no.  You don't want your 2 year old to wake up at 4:00 in the morning.  Selfish, maybe, but I can live with it.
  • An innocent game of Candy Land ends with a brutal wrestling match over who landed in Licorice Lagoon.
  • You're on your 10th trip to the bathroom with your 2 year old who keeps "changing her mind" about going #2.  Last time I checked, your "mind" wasn't in charge of that process.  But, you're too tired to argue.
  • At 7:00, you're sitting on the couch, and open your eyes, and thank the Lord that only 4 minutes have passed since you last looked at the clock.  It seemed like an hour.  You get some ice water to drink.
  • At 7:25, everyone is crying, because your 4 year old couldn't zip his pajamas.  Then, everyone is crying because you say it's bedtime.
  • At 7:30, your 4 year old is now crying because he's not in bed yet.
  • It's Friday, the end of the first week back in the routine after a 2 week Christmas break.
Somehow in the midst of the Friday evening haze, we had a long jump contest.  It was pretty fun...maybe that did us in...

We'll call this "Yoga Mat Long Jump, with Kitchen Towel Markers"

Tomorrow will be a better day.  With a good night's rest, everyone will be back to their chipper selves and we can start fresh.  And, it's a Stay Home Day, which is the icing on the cake.

Speaking of cake...No workout for me today.  I didn't get up in time this morning...add that to the madness, and I am just too freaking tired to do it now.  

Oh well, tomorrow's another day.

Does any of this sound familiar to you?  Or, are my family and I just CRAZY??


  1. I hear you and can totally relate, potty training is exhausting, especially after working all day! How awesome that you fit in such a creative game though!! Hope tomorrow is better for you. I have to tell you, tonight I got a great workout in full hockey gear on the ice practicing for the "Mother Mite" hockey game that I am playing in with Micah. I am gonna be exhausted tomorrow!

    1. Oooh, the Mother Mite game sounds fun! And like a lot of work! Have fun! Stop I can't wait to hear about it!


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