It's 8:40. Kids in bed. Waiting for.....The Bachelor to run a little longer.
Because I hate tons of commercials I've seen a million times, and if I wait a little bit longer, I can fast forward through them all without catching up to real time. It's all about strategy.
Although, I think Ben is blowing it with his strategy. Turns out he might just be a regular d.o.g. after all! Bummer!!
My run today was not supposed to happen. But, it did. The day after a long run is usually reserved for a day of rest, so to speak. For some reason, the voice inside said, "Go And Run." It ended up being a short 3 miles, but it felt great. However, now, my knees are telling me otherwise.
Tomorrow might be an ABS only day.
Yesterday, I ran out of Shakeology. It comes in a 30 day supply bag each month. Right to my door step. It's glorious. I was prepared to spend a few days without my lovely breakfast drink.
But, like a miracle from UPS, a package was waiting on my doorstep when I got home from work.
Wooo Hooo! Gotta love Home Direct Delivery!
I've updated my IPod, thanks to tons of great suggestions, and now I have a good 30 songs to keep me going for a while. Thanks!
Although, today I ran without it...sometimes just thinking makes the run seem shorter. Go figure.
I plan to do a few short circuits with my 10lb. weights during The Bachelor. That's all I've been doing weight-wise. Every couple of days, while I'm watching TV, just pick up the weights and do a few exercises.
Lots of reps with lighter weights. Totally do-able.
I got mine at Target...where else? Probably along with pull-ups, deodorant, a Hot Wheels and a slushee. Isn't that place great!?!
I loved the SuperBowl commercial (because it was new and I hadn't seen it a million times) for The Voice with Betty White. She's Awesome! We heard a snipit of it on the radio this morning, and Jordan said, "Hey, I saw that lady last night! She was funny!"
AND, the Clint Eastwood, "It's Half Time" was pretty sweet too!
Did you have a favorite Superbowl commercial?
I do the same thing with The Bachelor! Found you from the "Exposure 99%" blog hop. You can find me at