Wednesday, June 27, 2012

10 Day Hiatus

10 days seems like such a long time, but then again, I can't even believe it's been that long already!

I've fallen off the face of Blog Land.  There's really no 1 good reason why.  We've had a lot of things going on.  All good stuff.  By definition of good, like not bad stuff...just lots of family type stuff.

Since school is out, I've been taking vacation literally.  Like sleep in till the kids get up, drink 90 cups of coffee, sit out on the patio, put my hair up in a thingy, wear flip flops, have backyard fires, hang out with friends and family, go to the lake, go to the pool kind of vacation.
My daily's hard to tell if it's clean, dirty or just needs a touch-up.  I like to keep the mystery alive.  How come nobody ever told me those sunglasses are a little on the 'just walked out of the docs with my eyes dilated' side?  
We're talking jitters by lunch.
Not, do all kinds of chores and projects and diy kind of stuff vacation.  Hopefully I'll get to all that!

As far as workouts are concerned, I've been back at it regularly since Monday.  So that's 3 days total so far.  I've long since abandoned the Running Streak bandwagon.  That happened the first day of our garage sale on Friday.
Sunday, Day 3, and lots of stuff is picked through.  I can't believe nobody wanted the double stroller that doesn't fold up!  Come on!  And the box of VHS tapes!  Barely touched.  "What About Bob" is still here if anyone wants it.  I'll only charge shipping and handling...any takers?
This was the first one I've ever had, and I can't say that I loved it.  I can't say that I hated it.  I just had it.   That's about the extent.  We ended up having ours on the same day as a couple of other neighbors, so it was a GarageSale-A-Palooza around here last weekend.  An easy-ish way to score some fast  cash and get rid of your stuff.  Someone's trash is someone else's treasure is what they say!

Back to workouts.  They still consist of running, pushups and core work.  As obsessed I am with core work, one would think I'd have a crazy 8 pack by now like Gwen.  But, I also love Red Vines and don't have a personal chef, or trainer...anyway...I'd better get to work!
Oh, Gwen, are those airbrushed on?  Or are they real?  Gees!
The kids have had a fun packed week with going to a Detroit Tigers baseball game ( or 2 if your name is DMan!) and to Greenfield Village to ride the train and the 99 year old carousel.
Thankfully there was a dog and a horse right next to each other, or we'd have had issues!  Someone swiped the zebra and pig right from under our noses seconds before!

Hope you're having a fun summer time too!  

Are you watching the Bachelorette, by the way?  Anybody have an opinion on the 4 hometown-bound guys?  My fav so far is Sean.  And I like Jef, but I have a feeling she like Arie more than the others.  Thoughts?

Anybody have a summer-go-to shake for meals where you're recovering from meals that were way too delicious and you just couldn't stop yourself?  Like when you can't stop dipping in the dips?  I love me some Shakeology.


  1. Sometimes you have to just take some time off to enjoy life!

    Stopping by from Weekend Blog Hop Til You Drop. :)

  2. Agreed breaks are needed! I did a garage sale with my neighbor a few months ago and had so much fun. Had the kids sell lemonade too. They made like $10! It was awesome.
    Found you on the blog hop! Looking forward to reading more of your posts and fitness journey! The hard work and dedication does pay off! Now following :)
    Hope you stop by and visit me too :)


I'd love to hear what you have to say! Thanks for reading!