Sunday, January 15, 2012

Cold Can't Stop This Girl

Today, I decided to Rev Up my running routine, and throw in the first actual long run while training for the Rock CF Rivers Half Marathon in Grosse Ile, MI.

There's a loop starting right out my front door that is a little over 4 miles.  I do that all the time.  Sometimes I veer off for a mile and then hook back up to make it longer.  There's no real way to make it shorter since right in the middle, mixed into a few neighborhoods is a huge field with a set of railroad tracks running through.

Anyway, today, I ran that loop twice.  So just a little over 8 miles.

I was a good run.  I felt really great, and I sort of felt like I could have kept going, but I didn't want to push it.

There could have been a glitch though.  Since the loop starts right outside my front door, I had to pass my house half way through.  A small part of me thought, just for a second, about stopping then.  4 miles is a good hearty amount.  But, the bigger part pushed on past and went for round 2.

The other thing was this:  it was only 16 degrees this morning!  That is super duper cold in everyday life!  Frost bite cold!

But, in running, it's not that bad at all.  Yes, it's cold, don't get me wrong.  It did make it a lot better that the sun was shining, it wasn't too windy, and the snow wasn't too deep.

When it's cold-er outside is when I prefer to run.  I'll run in any temperature, but cold is better.  I'd much rather it be 16 degrees than 80 degrees.  That's for sure.

If you decide to get outside for some exercise, and the temps are chilly, all you have to do is dress for the occasion.  Put together some simple layers, cover your fingers, cover your head and you should be good!

Here is exactly what I wore running today.  Everything but the unders.  I kept those out of the pic.
And let me tell you, I'm not winning any award for "The Stylish Runner".   You don't have to spend a fortune to be well equipped for the colder weather months.  You probably have what you need already!  As long as you're not worried about looking HOT, then you can definitely stay warm while you're out there!
Red Adidas Dry Fit:  layer 1
Yellow Cotton Long Sleve:  layer 2
Old Red Hoodie:  layer 3
Running Shoes and Regular Ankle Socks
Glove/Mittens from The Family Dollar
Kent's Adidas Winter hat
Nike Cotton Pants (from my cousin Jenny) which I love 

All stuff I've had for at least 3 years or more!  Nothing new.  The Dry Fit layer 1 is to wick away moisture.  This will keep the chills away, especially if there's wind.

That's all there is to it!

If you're walking, you'll want to bundle up a little more, and maybe add a layer on the legs and another pair of socks.

Don't let the cold air keep you indoors!

How do you feel about trekking outside in the bitter cold temps?


  1. You are way more brave than I am, no cold for me. I'm all about the tread mill or the eliptical in the winter.

    1. For some reason, I can't do the treadmill. The eliptical is fine, but only with a TV in front of me!


I'd love to hear what you have to say! Thanks for reading!